Architecton review – poetic study of humankind’s bricks-and-mortar impact
on the Earth
Victor Kossakovsky’s follow-up to Gunda is a gorgeously shot reverie about
our use of materials such as stone and concrete
The granite face of a quarry s...
15 august 2010
Et alternativt blikk på "Monstermaster". Design som dette skremmer neppe vekk mange turister.
These designs were submitted as a competition entry in March of 2008 to Landsnet, Iceland national power transmission company who was working in collaboration with the Association of Icelandic Architects. The competition’s goal was to obtain new ideas in types and appearances for 220kV high-voltage towers and lines. The competition emphasized that specific consideration be given to the visual impact of the towers (or lines) and that careful consideration be given to the appearance of towers near urban areas and unsettled regions.
Choi Shine Architects - The Land of Giants
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